Carolina Casualty Insurance President to Retire in 2005

December 8, 2004

W. R. Berkley Corporation (NYSE:BER) announced that Armin W. Blumberg, president of Jacksonville, Fla.-based Carolina Casualty Insurance Company (Carolina) since 1997 and an employee of the W. R. Berkley Corporation group since 1976, has decided to retire in early 2005.

Upon his retirement, Blumberg will become a Carolina consultant. The company expressed appreciation for the over 28 years of Blumberg’s extraordinary service.

Blumberg will be succeeded by William F. Murray. Murray is now president of the excess division of Admiral Insurance Company (Admiral) and has 19 years of experience in the casualty insurance industry.

Both Admiral and Carolina operate within W. R. Berkley Corporation’s specialty segment. Carolina specializes in transportation insurance for long-haul trucking and public automobile risks across the United States.