Deer Crashes Through Window of Tenn. Agent’s Office

November 10, 2004

Tom Jones has been an insurance agent for 28 years, but he’s never had to file a claim like this.

Jones, a State Farm Insurance agent whose office is in Brentwood, was the victim of a break-in yesterday morning — by a disoriented deer. The intruder crashed through a seven-foot window, knocked pictures off a shelving unit, then traipsed down a flight of stairs and into a storage room, where authorities contained it until help arrived.

The five-point buck reportedly had been struck by two vehicles while crossing Church Street near one of the busiest intersections in the city. It then ran toward Franklin Road, cut across a BP gas station parking lot and jumped through Jones’ window, shattering glass and pulling down a set of mini blinds.

Except for breaking off its antlers and a few minor cuts, the deer was unharmed, said Williamson County Animal Control Officer Scott Franklin.

“It’s amazing how tough animals are,” he said. “It probably had adrenaline going, plus it’s the middle of the rut (mating) season.”
A witness who had seen the deer get hit by cars and jump through the window called 911 to report the incident, police said. The officer found the deer and closed the door to the room so it couldn’t escape.
State wildlife officers were called in to tranquilize the deer, which was loaded into a truck and taken to an undisclosed wooded area to be released.

“We’ve had cars go through windows at gas stations and banks, but never a deer,” Jones said.