Speakers Celebrate FAIA’s 100th Anniversary

June 18, 2004 by

Orlando – From Capt. Scott O’Grady who survived six days in hostile territory after his F-16 was shot down enforcing the no-fly zone over Bosnia. To IIABA’s President Louise “Bebe” Canter and Safeco’s Chairman Mike McGavick talking about the current state of the insurance industry. To former Minnesota Viking and NFL Hall-of-Famer Fran Tarkenton discussing how to be successful in sales. An array of speakers addressed a packed room of independent agents Friday morning attending the 100th Anniversary of the Florida Association of Insurance Agents (FAIA) celebration at the Orlando World Center Marriott.

O’Grady noted how his faith in God, family and country got him through his ordeal and the overwhelming joy of being reunited with his country. “My family was the sole reason I had the will to survive,” O’Grady commented.

Noting that his rescuers were mostly 19-year-old Marines, O’Grady talked about finally seeing friendly faces and eventually coming back to home soil. “Every single member of the military is vital to the mission,” he noted. “Sixty-one had gone into the mission and sixty-two (noting himself) came out.” O’Grady in closing noted that the real award in life is knowing that you helped someone.

Both Canter and McGavick talked about some of the challenges facing the industry and where things are headed.

Canter noted that federal vs. state regulation is the IIABA’s number one focus, adding that the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA) and crop insurance are also high on the radar list.

McGavick remarked that insurance will remain a very complex product and will also remain highly regulated. Noting that independent agents need to promote their way of doing business, McGavick said he was confident that the industry will be here 100 years from now and will remain central to civilization.

Finally, Tarkenton talked about his football playing days and how he has become a successful businessman despite the ups and downs everyone faces in the business world.

Remarking that a belief system is important, Tarkenton talked about the sense of desperation that drives individuals to get to the next level.
“The success of sales is not to sell, but to create an environment where people can buy,” Tarkenton commented.

The conference, which includes companies exhibiting their products at an exhibit hall, runs through Saturday.

Editor’s note: Look for a complete wrapup of the conference in the July 19 issue of Insurance Journal Southeast.