W. Va. State Insurer Sizes Up McDonald’s Decision

March 4, 2004

The West Virginia Public Employees Insurance Agency is applauding McDonald’s for the company’s recent decision to phase out the “Supersize” portions from its menu.

Tom Susman, PEIA Director said, “While we are encouraged by this move, we are waiting to see what will replace the super size items. Hopefully, other fast food giants will see the light.”

PEIA designed and sponsored a multimedia campaign explaining the perils of over-sized food portions. The campaign garnered national attention and shed further light on the country’s obesity epidemic. The campaign Web site can be found at www.wvportions.com

“We are very pleased that McDonald’s has taken steps towards offering healthier food choices,” said Nidia Henderson, Wellness Director for the Agency. “Our hope is that other fast food chains will see fit to offer healthier menu options and right-sized portions. With the rising level of childhood obesity, we hope fast food chains will offer fresh fruit and low fat milk as default menu items in children’s meals.”

Annually, PEIA spends more than $78 million dollars on preventable obesity related illnesses and insures more than 200,000 West Virginians.