MDOI Returned $2.8 Million to Miss. Consumers Last Year

January 21, 2004

Mississippi Insurance Commissioner George Dale recently announced that more than $2.8 million was returned to Mississippi consumers during the past year by the Consumer Services Division of the Mississippi Department of Insurance.

The money came from premium refunds and additional claim payments to consumers that were recovered through MDOI investigations of claims disputes.

During 2003, the Consumer Services Division handled 21,398 claims and collected $2,877,117 for Mississippi policyholders. During 2002, the Division handled 21,413 claims, collecting $2,793,883 for Mississippi residents. MDOI’s Legal Division collected $83,850 in fines from insurance carriers and agents doing business in Mississippi last year.

“I am very pleased to be able to return these monies to Mississippi
consumers and taxpayers,” Dale said.