Lauderdale to Head ALDOI’s IT Division

July 8, 2003

Alabama Commissioner Walter A. Bell announced that Larry Lauderdale, a retired U.S. Army colonel, was named Information Technology manager for the Alabama Department of Insurance.

“We are pleased to have a professional with the experience and talent of Larry Lauderdale to run our Information Technology Division,” Commissioner Bell said. “One of our charges here at the Department of Insurance is to become as paperless of an operation as possible. Information Technology is at the core of that mission. I am confident in Larry Lauderdale’s ability to get the job done.”

Lauderdale is a Sylacauga native and a graduate of Alabama A&M University and the U.S. Naval Postgraduate Institution. He served in the Army for 28 years.

Prior to his retirement from the Army, Lauderdale served as the Communications and Electronics Command Materiel Developer Cell at Fort Hood, Texas. While there, Lauderdale coordinated 70 information system initiatives and more than 2,000 digitized communication systems.

Lauderdale replaces the late A.J. Beltran, who passed away in February.

“I am looking forward to joining Gov. Riley’s and Commissioner Bell’s team at the Department of Insurance,” Lauderdale said. “We have a strong team in place, and we are ready to tackle all the projects that await us.”