Alabama to Host Auto Rate Hearings

March 11, 2003

The Alabama Department of Insurance recently announced two rate hearings for private passenger automobile insurance. The first will be held March 25 and the second on April 1.

The March 25 public hearing will address the proposed revision of private passenger automobile insurance rates and rules as filed and requested by Progressive Specialty Insurance Company. It will be held at 3:00 p.m.

The April 1 hearing will cover the proposed revision of non-standard personal auto program rates and rules as filed by Quality Casualty Insurance Company, will be held at 10:00 a.m.

Both hearings will take place at the Alabama Insurance Department, located in the RSA Tower in Montgomery. Failure of a company representative to be present at either hearing may result in a denial of the company’s request for a rate and/or rule change. Interested parties may submit a written statement in favor or against the proposed changes in rates and may, in addition, make an oral statement at the hearings.