Former Florida Insurance Lobbyist Passes Away

February 7, 2003

William “Buddy” McCue, former workers’ compensation lobbyist for the Florida Insurance Council (FIC) and former president of the Florida Association of Insurance Agents, died recently in Tallahassee after a lengthy battle with leukemia.

The FIC noted that McCue had a long and distinguished career as lobbyist and then president with the Big I affiliate in Florida. He was not only a well-known insurance lobbyist in Florida, McCue was also a nationally recognized expert on workers’ compensation, and was instrumental in the development of Florida’s comp system.

McCue retired from FAIA in the late 1990’s and worked two sessions as a part-time legislative consultant for FIC, specializing in workers’ comp. He was a recipient of FIC’s John “Rick” Ricciardelli Award for Lifetime Achievement to the Florida Insurance Community, along with many, many other awards.

Information on funeral arrangements will be posted on the FIC Internet site,, as soon as it is available.