Florida’s Connie Mack Proposes Workers’ Comp Bill

January 17, 2003

Florida State Representative Connie Mack (R, District 91) announced he plans to file legislation to reform Florida’s worker’s compensation system by increasing benefits to injured workers, while reducing the premiums paid by businesses in the state.

Mack, who is Chairman of the Workforce and Economic Development subcommittee, said his legislative proposal doubles monetary impairment benefits paid to injured workers and speeds up the delivery both wage and medical benefits to injured workers. Many of the measures contained in the legislation will reduce the sky-rocketing costs of worker’s compensation in Florida. When claims are litigated in Florida, the cost is much higher than claims litigated in any other state. Permanent total cases have increased dramatically due to the abuses in the current system. The bill is designed to curtail these expenses.

I believe this bill will go along way to further stimulate our economy,” Rep. Mack stated. “The Worker’s Comp system in Florida has for far too long been a system that provides low benefits to injured workers and high costs to employers. This bill will reform a system long overdue for reform. These reforms will be good for the workers of this state, the businesses in this state, and our overall economy.”

He said the National Council on Compensation Insurance believes the bill could yield significant savings in premium to Florida employers.

Rep. Mack concluded, “Working together, we will reform this broken system and make our state a better place to live, work and raise a family.”