Atlanta Insurance Lawyer Appointed to Ga. Equal Opportunity Board

November 8, 2002

Attorney Lewis E. Hassett, chair of the Insurance & Reinsurance Dispute Resolution Group at Atlanta-based Morris Manning & Martin LLP, was appointed by Georgia Governor Roy Barnes to the Board of Commissioners of the Commission on Equal Opportunity. The Commission is responsible for promoting fair employment practices and diversity programs in government and will review the effectiveness of the state’s programs.

“Georgia is a very diverse state,” Hassett says. “We have people from all backgrounds coming into the state, and we want to ensure that everyone is treated fairly.”

Hassett, a partner with Morris, Manning & Martin’s Atlanta office, practices in insurance and reinsurance litigation and arbitration. In addition to chairing the firm’s Insurance& Reinsurance Dispute Resolution Group, he also co-chairs the recently-formed Insurance Managing General Agents Practice Group, and edits the firm’s Insurance & Reinsurance Review newsletter.