Alabama Names Insurance Panel

September 25, 2002

Alabama Insurance Commissioner David Parsons announced the establishment of a 13 member Insurance Liaison Committee composed of representatives of the insurance industry that do business in the state.

“We felt it was important to establish lines of communication with the industry we regulate so we can identify problems either at the Department or in the market, so they can be quickly corrected,” Parsons said. “We also will encourage their input, assistance and support of our legislative packages.”

Board members will hold a term for a period of one year. While the department felt the size of the group had to be limited to be manageable, there are other insurers who will be represented in the coming years.

Parsons stated, “We have an excellent Board made up of outstanding individuals who will participate and assist the Department in dealing with current problems and issues. We had a lot of individuals show an interest to serve on the board, and we would hope to ensure that they will be allowed to participate in subsequent boards. This is a work in progress and this board will continue, and it will always be important to bring in new people and new ideas.”

The committee members are: Martin Brown, Foremost Insurance Co.; Dave J. Clark, ISO; Frank Millsaps, Millsaps and Associates; Dr. Carol Jordan, Troy State University; Dr. Harris Schlesinger, University of Alabama; Richard Golick, Allstate Insurance Company; Beth Chancy, Alfa Mutual Insurance Co.; Allen McGlynn, State Farm Companies; William Brunson, Jr., National Security Insurance Co.; Michael Roberts; Southern Guaranty Insurance Co.; Don Morrison, Mutual Savings Life Insurance Co.; Janet McGowin, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama Inc.; and Duncan Hamilton, Liberty National Life Insurance Co.

The Alabama Insurance Department named its first consumer liaison panel earlier in September.