CDS Business Mapping Adds Miss. Protection Class Lookups to Risk Meter Online Mapping Service

September 11, 2002

CDS Business Mapping, a provider of mapping solutions for insurers, announced that Protection Class codes for Mississippi are now available through its Risk Meter Online ( mapping service. Using the service, an insurer or agent can type in an address, and get back the correct protection class for that exact street address in real time.

In addition to Protection Class, the Risk Meter Online does many additional types of lookups, including distance to coast, windpool eligibility, earthquake information, brush fire hazards, and many more.

Dan Munson, vice president of sales & marketing for CDS, noted “Using the Risk Meter for Protection Class lookups will be a significant advance for insurers and agents in Mississippi. Instead of wasting time trying to figure out the correct Protection Class for a location, agents and insurers can spend more time writing business.”