Crawford & Company Eliminates Position, Lowers Salaries

August 1, 2002

Crawford & Company of Atlanta, a provider of diversified services to the insurance industry, announced a number of cost-cutting efforts that include the elimination of certain positions and salary cuts to top employees.

Among the reductions includes the elimination of the position of global managing director/Business Solutions Group. Jim McGee, who currently holds the post, will be leaving the company effective Aug. 15.

“Even though this position has been eliminated, our management team will continue to evaluate and improve how we package and sell Crawford services on a global basis,” Grover Davis, president and CEO, said.

Davis further stated that Crawford will continue to aggressively seek ways to lower expenses within the organization, including having all corporate officers take a five percent salary reduction through the end of the year.

The company also announced that current chairman of the Board of Directors, Archie Meyers Jr. will retire as chairman, effective Oct. 28, but continue as a director. Davis will assume the additional responsibilities of chairman upon Meyers’ retirement.