First Floridian Co. Recognized by FEMA

July 18, 2002

First Floridian Auto and Home Insurance Co. of Tampa was recently recognized by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for its work as the first insurer to sponsor construction of a “Fortified…for safer living” home. The “Fortified” program is a national, all-risk new-home construction initiative of the Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS).

The “Fortified” home sponsored by First Floridian is in the Longleaf subdivision in Pasco County, Fla. It includes safety features to help protect it from hurricanes, wildfires and floods.

The award was presented during the 2002 Southeast Disaster Resistant Communities Summit in South Carolina.

IBHS is an initiative of the insurance industry to reduce deaths, property damage, economic losses and human suffering caused by natural disasters.