$86M in Safety Upgrades Completed in Louisiana Parish

April 5, 2022

Louisiana’s largest power utility says it has completed $86 million in transmission system improvements in a small part of the wide area hit hard by Hurricane Ida.

Entergy Louisiana said it has replaced about 80 steel structures with some that can withstand winds up to 150 miles per hour and improved about 7 miles of power lines in Lafourche Parish.

That will improve resiliency and reliability for about 10,000 customers between Cut Off and Golden Meadow, it said in a news release.

“We’re always working to improve and upgrade our infrastructure, and the completion of this transmission work is just another example of doing just that to be storm ready for our customers and the communities we serve,” said Phillip May, Entergy Louisiana president and CEO.

Entergy has said Hurricane Ida did at least $2 billion in damages in southeast Louisiana on Aug. 29, 2021. Many customers were without power for weeks.