Texas House Honors TSLA’s Patterson for 40 Years of Service

July 16, 2021

In 2006, when Jean Patterson, executive director of the Texas Surplus Lines Association, was marking her 25 years with the organization, she said her relationships with the “wonderful members” of TSLA are what keeps her “coming to work each and every day.”

That comment continues to ring true as this year Patterson celebrates her 40th anniversary with the association and the Texas House of Representatives has taken notice.

On June 16, TSLA’s board of directors presented Patterson with a framed resolution that was filed and unanimously approved by the Texas House of Representatives in honor of her 40th year with TSLA.

The resolution was filed by State Rep. Gene Wu, and was signed by the Speaker of the House Dade Phelan and Rep. Wu. Both are friends of TSLA.

On June 17, the resolution was entered into the TSLA board minutes.

Patterson said she was completely surprised and overwhelmed by this honor. She thanked the TSLA Board, and especially Keith Strama and Lisa Garcia of Beatty Navarre Strama, for their help in requesting the resolution in her honor.

A fourth generation native of Austin, Texas, Patterson began working for TSLA in 1981 as an administrative assistant.

While the list of duties required to keep TSLA running smoothly is expansive, Patterson told Insurance Journal in 2006 that, “in a nutshell, I manage the day-to-day operations of TSLA.” Her responsibilities include managing committees and committee volunteers; planning and implementing two conventions and four quarterly board meetings a year; revising and improving on a yearly basis the product guide and membership roster; marketing TSLA to agents and prospective members; and assisting TSLA members with questions and concerns.