Texas Wind Turbine Maker Settles with Board Over Labor Practices

May 13, 2019

A Texas-based wind turbine manufacturer has reached a settlement with federal officials over alleged violations of U.S. labor laws.

GRI Texas Towers Inc. f/k/a Gestamp Wind Steel US Inc. (GRI), based in Amarillo, entered into a settlement agreement with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) over National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) violations relating to union organizing.

In the settlement agreement, GRI agreed to pay more than $135,000 in backpay, interest and expenses to ten employees who were either discharged or suspended during a union organizing campaign. GRI also agreed to reinstate eight workers and to recognize and bargain with the Plumbers and Pipefitters Local Union No. 404.

Federal officials say that on March 3, 2017, a bargaining unit of approximately 215 GRI employees in Amarillo voted to be represented by Local Union No. 404. In a series of unfair labor practice charges, filed prior to and following the election, the Union and its members alleged that GRI violated the NLRA by unlawfully terminating and suspending several employees, making threats, engaging in surveillance, assisting with a union decertification petition, engaging in surface bargaining and unlawfully withdrawing recognition from the Union.

The settlement between the company and the NLRB was approved on April 24, 2019. It resolves all complain allegations between the parties involved.

Source: NLRB