Governor Vetoes Bills That Would Change Louisiana Insurance Laws

May 16, 2018

Gov. John Bel Edwards has vetoed three bills that would have changed Louisiana’s insurance laws, including two sought by the state’s insurance commissioner.

The Republican-sponsored measures are the first bills struck by the Democratic governor from this year’s regular session. The vetoes were announced Tuesday.

The first bill, sponsored by River Ridge Rep. Kirk Talbot, would eliminate the requirement that an insurance policy cancellation notice be sent by certified mail, allowing them to be sent by first class mail with other tracking methods. In his veto message, Edwards said certified mail offers an important protection for policyholders.

Edwards wrote that the other proposals — sponsored by Shreveport Rep. Alan Seabaugh and pushed by Insurance Commissioner Jim Donelon — added new insurance industry regulations that the governor claims could drive up costs for policyholders.

One of the measures would have reworked the process for reviewing administrative actions taken by the insurance commissioner. The other was a technical bill involving the rights of associations that deal with insolvent insurance companies.

Vetoed were House Bills 169, 607 and 609.