Former Arkansas Insurance Commissioner Horne Passes

January 23, 2018

Former Arkansas Insurance Commissioner Allan W. “Dick” Horne has passed away, according to the Arkansas Insurance Department.

Horne led the department for three years, from 1968 through 1970.

In a statement, Arkansas Insurance Commissioner Allen Kerr commented: “The Arkansas Insurance Department, the state insurance industry, and I have lost a dear friend. Dick Horne was a gentleman who always had a kind word. The Arkansas Insurance Department mourns for the loss of its former commissioner and we offer our dearest condolences and sincerest prayers for his family, his colleagues, and his friends in their time of grief.”

Horne, who had previously served as chief counsel and assistant commissioner of the Arkansas Insurance Department, was subsequently appointed insurance commissioner by Gov. Winthrop Rockefeller.

As commissioner he served on various committees of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), including chairman of the Securities Committee. In addition to his private legal practice, Horne served as principal contact and attorney for the Arkansas Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association, a position he held since the organization was founded in 1990.

Source: Arkansas Insurance Department