Louisiana Citizens Insurance Assessment Rebate Deadline Is Dec. 31

December 18, 2017

Louisiana Insurance Commissioner Jim Donelon is reminding Louisiana property insurance policyholders that the opportunity to file for the partially refundable 2013 Louisiana Citizens Property Insurance Co. assessment expires on Dec. 31.

The Citizens Assessment is to pay off the bonds issued by Citizens to cover the costs of damages caused by Hurricane Katrina. More than $36 million, or 53 percent, of the partially refundable assessments available for 2013 remains unclaimed. All Louisiana property insurance policyholders pay the Citizens assessment and are entitled to claim the rebate.

Policyholders who have paid the assessment can file for a rebate online, on paper or on their annual tax returns. Residential and commercial forms and additional information are available on the Louisiana Department of Insurance website at www.ldi.la.gov/citizensrebate. Policyholders can currently claim rebates for assessments charged in years 2013 through 2017.

Following the passage of Act 125 of the 2015 Legislative Session, 72 percent of the assessments for 2013 through 2015 is refundable. Act 9 of the 2016 Second Extraordinary Legislative Session further reduced the refundable amount to 25 percent of the assessments paid for 2016 and 2017. The dollar amount of the assessment can be found on the declaration page of the insurance policy.

Source: Louisiana Department of Insurance