Oklahoma’s Tornado King Ordered to Return More than $100K in Embezzlement Scheme

October 24, 2017

Oklahoma Attorney General Mike Hunter says William Stephens, the owner of Tornado King, a storm shelter manufacturing and installation company, pleaded no contest to six counts of embezzlement and one count of a pattern of criminal offenses.

As part of the plea, Stephens will pay $101,403.23 in restitution to victims and serve a five-year deferred sentence.

Hunter commended the work of the agents in the AG’s Consumer Protection Unit who investigated Stephens and the attorneys who brought restitution to victims.

An investigation by the Attorney General’s Office began after receiving multiple complaints by Tornado King customers, claiming Stephens was paid full or partial payments for storm shelters that were never installed.

According to investigators, when work wasn’t completed, and victims tried to contact the company, Stephens would give excuses and eventually became unresponsive.

Source: Oklahoma Attorney General’s Office
