Higginbotham, Painter & Johnson Financial Merge Operations

June 27, 2017

Fort Worth-based independent insurance broker, Higginbotham, and Painter & Johnson Financial have merged their insurance operations in Central Texas.

Painter & Johnson Financial is a broker of insurance, securities and employee benefits, based in Brownwood, Texas. It has individuals licensed to offer securities in Arkansas, California, Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas and Virginia.

The union of the two firms encompasses non-variable insurance products, expanding the customer service capabilities for insurance clients of Painter & Johnson Financial.

Painter & Johnson Financial will continue operating under the leadership of Bart Johnson as managing director at 201 West Adams in Brownwood.

Higginbotham is partnering with brokers that have strong local reputations as part of a growth initiative that has widened its reach across Texas while allowing it to maintain focus on personal service. This marks the firm’s entrance into Brownwood, Texas.

Higginbotham now has a workforce nearing 900 property/casualty insurance and employee benefit professionals.

Source: Higginbotham