Texas Insurance Council Symposium to Address Cyber Threats

June 6, 2017

The Insurance Council of Texas and the Association of Fire and Casualty Companies in Texas’ Annual Mid-Year Symposium will feature a panel discussion on cybersecurity, the growing cyber market for insurers, and the threats associated with doing business in the digital age.

This year marks the 25th Anniversary for the symposium; it will be held July 12 and 13 in Austin.

Participants in the July 13 cyber security discussion include:

Rachel Simon, Chubb’s product manager for Public Officials Liability and Educators Legal Liability and deputy product manager for Miscellaneous and Real Estate Professional Liability. Simon is responsible for developing and updating underwriting guidelines, drafting coverage enhancements, monitoring profitability, training the underwriting team and developing and driving distribution and marketing strategies. She is also responsible for underwriting and negotiating complex accounts and establishing and maintaining a broad network of brokerage and industry relationships.

Simon joined Chubb in January 2014 as the professional liability manager for the Dallas and Houston regions responsible for the underwriting and profitability of miscellaneous professional, technology, cyber and privacy, public officials and educators legal, media, employed lawyers, and architects and engineers liability in the territory.

Louis Barton, executive vice president and director of operational risk management and cyber risk awareness for Cullen/Frost. Barton has been a Frost banker since 1996. Additional responsibilities include third party risk management governance and corporate privacy. He is an instructor with the American Banker’s Association and was an instructor at the Bank Operations Institute. Previously, Barton participated in special White House activities during the Clinton administration intended to bolster public confidence in the banking system.

The Cybersecurity Panel will be moderated by ICT Executive Director Albert Betts, Jr. Betts has served as executive director of ICT since March 2014. Prior to joining ICT, he was a partner at the law firm of Thompson Coe Cousins and Irons LLP, practicing in the firm’s Insurance Law and Governmental and Legislative Advocacy Group. He served as the first commissioner of workers’ compensation for Texas from 2005 through 2008. Prior to being appointed commissioner, Betts served as chief of staff for the Texas Department of Insurance.

Source: Insurance Council of Texas