Attorney Challenges Tilly’s Appointment to Oklahoma Workers’ Comp Commission

May 12, 2017

Governor Mary Fallin recently named Assistant Attorney General Megan Tilly to serve on the Oklahoma Workers’ Compensation Commission, and now a workers’ comp attorney is challenging that appointment.

Tilly, of Oklahoma City, was appointed to a six-year term that expires in August 2023. If affirmed by the state Senate, she will replace Robert Gilliland, according to the announcement from the governor’s office.

The Associated Press reported that Attorney Bob Burke has asked the state Supreme Court to block Tilly’s appointment to the three-member commission.

The AP reported that Burke has alleged that Tilly doesn’t have at least three years of experience in the workers’ compensation field that state law requires commission members to have.

According to the governor’s press release, Tilly assisted the workers’ compensation, insurance and Social Security fraud unit of the attorney’s general’s office in criminal fraud investigations through legal research and counsel.

She currently manages the multicounty grand jury unit of the state attorney general’s office, which is made up of attorneys, investigators and support staff. The grand jury investigates and prosecutes crimes across the state, including public corruption, white collar crime and government fraud.

The Oklahoma Workers’ Compensation Commission was created in 2013 as mandated by the state’s landmark workers’ compensation reform law.

Source: Oklahoma Governor’s Office, Associated Press