Texas Oil Services Company Sued for Race-Based Harassment, Retaliation

March 10, 2017

A Texas-based manufacturer of equipment used in hydraulic fracturing (fracking) has been sued by the the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) over charges of racial harassment and retaliation.

The EEOC says Downhole Technology violated federal law when it retaliated against an employee for reporting that he had been harassed by his white coworkers because of his race.

The EEOC’s suit alleges that Downhole Technology failed to adequately respond after Kenneth Echols, who is black, reported that his coworkers had used a white hood — evocative of the type used by the Ku Klux Klan — to intimidate, ridicule and insult him. The suit also contends that, rather than addressing his concerns, Downhole Technology instead reprimanded and then fired Echols for reporting the conduct to them.

The EEOC said it filed the suit (Civil Action No. 4:17-cv-00574) in the Houston Division of U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas after it unsuccessfully attempted to reach a settlement agreement with Downhole Technology through its pre-suit conciliation process.

The EEOC is asking the court to permanently enjoin Downhole Technology from engaging in future discrimination and retaliation. It is also asking the court to order Downhole Technology to pay Echols both punitive and compensatory damages, in addition to lost wages and benefits.

Source: EEOC