In Move to Block Campus Carry Law, University of Texas Profs Sue

July 8, 2016

Three University of Texas professors have filed suit in federal court, seeking to block the state’s “campus carry” law before it takes effect next month.

The July 6 court filing came from sociology professor Jennifer Lynn Glass, and English professors Lisa Moore and Mia Carter, all of the UT system’s flagship Austin campus.

They said the law potentially violates the First Amendment and other constitutional rights.

The trio noted that they each teach emotional topics including abortion, sexuality and gay rights. Guns in classrooms, they argued, could disrupt student discussion and violate free speech protections.

Beginning next month, public universities must allow Texans with concealed handgun licenses to carry their weapons on campus and inside school buildings. Universities were permitted to designate certain gun-free zones, but UT’s doesn’t extend to most classrooms.