TWIA Files for Changes to Dwelling and Commercial Policies

January 7, 2016

The Texas Windstorm Insurance Association has submitted new mandatory endorsements for its dwelling and commercial insurance policies to the Texas Department of Insurance for approval.

The endorsements add storm doors to the list of items in the “Property Not Covered” section of the policies.

TDI is accepting comments on the submission.

The filing for dwelling policies states in part: “Properties that may otherwise qualify to obtain insurance from TWIA may not be eligible when a storm door that cannot be certified through the Windstorm Inspection Program has been installed.”

The association said it is filing the dwelling endorsement with the understanding that TDI is working on a rule that would include storm doors on the list of items that do not require inspection.

TWIA has requested that the dwelling endorsement be effective March 1, 2016, for new business, and May 2, 2016 for renewals.

If approved, the endorsement would be effective “until such time as rules are adopted that render it unnecessary,” TWIA said.

The wording of the proposal for a similar change to commercial properties echoes that of the filing for dwelling policies.

The filings may be accessed at:

Source: TDI