Man Who Drove Bugatti into Gulf Going to Prison for Insurance Fraud

December 18, 2015

An exotic car salvage yard owner in Lufkin, Texas, has been sentenced to a year and a day in federal prison after pleading guilty to insurance fraud.

The Houston Chronicle reports that in November 2009, Andy House drove his sports car into the Gulf Bay in the La Marque area and left it running in the water. The vehicle was destroyed after the engine was flooded with saltwater.

House purchased the 2006 Bugatti Veyron for $1 million in October 2009, and insured the car for $2.2 million.

In an insurance claim, House said he swerved into the water after reaching for his cell phone. The insurer, Philadelphia Insurance Cos., fought the claim.

The 2009 crash was captured on video by a passing motorist and viewed more than five million times on YouTube. Philadelphia Insurance said its claims investigators had suspected fraud from the beginning and steadfastly denied the claim.

House pleaded guilty to the scheme in August 2014.

House must pay about $600,000 and will have to serve three years of supervised release.
