Prescription Drug Overdose Deaths Fall 5% in Oklahoma

October 20, 2015

The number of Oklahoma residents dying from unintentional prescription drug overdose dropped last year.

The Oklahoman reports the state saw a 5 percent decrease in such deaths from the previous year. Preliminary data from the state Health Department show 510 people died from unintentional prescription drug overdoses in 2014 compared to 538 people in 2013.

The rate of 13.2 deaths from prescription drug overdose per 100,000 people in 2014 is the lowest the state has seen since 2007.

Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Director Darrell Weaver says seeing the trend turn the other way is “a very positive sign.”

Oklahoma has seen some of the highest rates of painkiller abuse and deaths in the past few years. It tied with Kentucky for the third-highest rate of painkillers prescribed in 2012.