Kliewer Elected Chair of the Independent Insurance Agents of Texas

June 22, 2015

The Independent Insurance Agents of Texas (IIAT) elected Bill Kliewer, managing partner at BKCW in Killeen, to serve as chairman for 2015-2016.

Kliewer has more than 35 years of insurance, financial and management experience, Kliewer is among the leaders in his field.

Kliewer joined BKCW upon completing military as a commissioned officer in the U.S. Army Transportation Corps.

In addition to serving on IIAT’s board, Kliewer has also served as former president of the IIA of Central Texas, former chairman of the CIGNA for Texas Agents Advisory Council, and former member of the CIGNA National Agency Automation Council.

Peter Lauve, a partner at CBS Insurance LLP in Abilene, will serve the association as chair-elect. Lauve, a multi-line agent, began his insurance career in 1986. He holds the Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriter designation.

Rick Dudney, managing partner of TCOR Management in New Braunfels, was elected vice chair. Dudney entered insurance in 1997 as a producer and network administrator for a three-branch agency in south Texas. In 2001, he joined Brooke Insurance in Beeville as a commercial lines manager. He joined Cory and Brannon Brooke as a partner in Brooke’s successor agency, TCOR Management, at its inception in 2006.

IIAT also has elected four new directors for three-year terms each: Cynthia Cabaza with Shepard Walton King in McAllen; Matt Frierson with Pierson-Fendley Insurance Agency in Paris and Travis McDavid with GSM Insurors in Rockport.

Robert K. Nitsche with the Nitsche Group in Giddings was elected for a one-year term.

All terms begin Sept. 1.

Source: IIAT