Texas Construction Safety Group Gets $2.1M Dividend from Insurer

May 13, 2015

Workers compensation insurer, Texas Mutual Insurance Co., recently awarded a dividend of $2,159,751 to the Texas Construction Association safety group.

The dividend was earned based on the group members’ dedication to making safety a priority in their businesses and therefore keeping the group’s loss ratio low.

Since 1999, Texas Mutual has distributed more than $125 million in safety group dividends among qualifying safety groups. Many group members also qualify for individual policyholder dividends from Texas Mutual based largely on their companies’ loss ratios.

In addition to potential dividends, Texas Construction Association safety group members also receive discounts on their workers’ compensation premiums and have access to free workplace safety materials designed for the construction industry.

Texas Mutual has distributed $1.6 billion in safety group and individual policyholder dividends since 1999. The majority of that total – $1 billion – has been distributed in the last seven years.

While Texas Mutual has awarded dividends each year since 1999, they are based on performance and therefore are not guaranteed. Additionally, dividends must comply with Texas Department of Insurance regulations.

Source: Texas Mutual Insurance Co.