Texas Issues Data Call on Named Driver Policies, Excluded Driver Endorsements

February 19, 2015

The Texas Department of Insurance has issued a special data call to obtain information from insurance companies writing private passenger automobile insurance in Texas.

TDI said the information requested is in response to legislative inquiries and pertains to bodily injury and property damage liability claims under named driver policies or policies with an excluded driver endorsement.

Insurers must respond to this data call no later than March 3, 2015, TDI said.

At least two bills — HB 318 by Rep. Mark Keogh and HB 335 by Rep. Ed Thompson — have been introduced in Texas that would prohibit automobile insurers from issuing named driver policies in the state. HB 335 would allow a named driver exclusion under certain circumstances.

For the purposes of the data call, TDI is using the following definitions:

  • Named Driver Policy – An automobile insurance policy that does not provide coverage for an individual residing in a named insured’s household specifically unless the individual is named on the policy. The term includes an automobile insurance policy that has been endorsed to provide coverage only for drivers specifically named on the policy.
  • Excluded Driver Endorsement – An endorsement attached to a private passenger automobile insurance policy that excludes coverage for a person specifically named in the endorsement.
  • Standard Policy – A private passenger automobile insurance policy that provides coverage for the named insured, named insured’s spouse, family members residing in the household, and others using the insured automobile. A standard policy does not include a named driver endorsement or an excluded driver endorsement.
  • Other Policy Types – Any other type of private passenger automobile policy that is not a Named Driver Policy or a Standard Policy, and is not a policy with an excluded driver endorsement.
  • Claim – A claim that is reported per occurrence for liability combined, not per claimant or per coverage.

Reported policy types must equal 100 percent of the total book of private passenger automobile business.