Texting-While-Driving Bill Moves Forward in Oklahoma

February 13, 2015

A measure aimed at curbing the dangerous trend of texting while driving easily passed out of an Oklahoma House committee, the bill’s author reports.

House Bill 1965, by state Rep. Terry O’Donnell, strengthens language aimed at preventing texting while driving, marking a first offense fine at $250. Subsequent offenses would register a $500 fine.

The measure received a “do pass” mark with an 11-0 vote in the Criminal Justice and Corrections Committee.

“I’m very pleased at the unanimous vote HB 1965 received,” said O’Donnell, R-Catoosa. “Public Safety is the No. 1 priority of our state. In last fall’s interim study, we learned that all but six states have laws directly banning texting while driving; that texting while driving makes the driver 23 times more likely to be involved in an accident; and 11 people die each day in the United States as a result of texting while driving.

“It’s time for Oklahoma’s motor vehicle laws to come into the 21st Century and provide the protection from texting and driving that Oklahomans want and deserve,” O’Donnell said. “This is a good bill that will help to keep our roads and highways safer.”

The bill is supported by Generation tXt. The group is a teen-led, grassroots, multi-faceted organization focused on educating young teens and families about how to practice safe driving by addressing the hazards of texting while driving.

O’Donnell said he’s honored to have the support of Generation tXt, adding “according to the Tulsa Crime Commission, 21 percent of fatal car crashes for drivers between the ages of 16 and 19 are the result of cell phone usage. So that’s an age group we certainly need to help realize just how dangerous it is to text while driving.”

The measure now heads to the House floor for further consideration.

Source: Oklahoma House of Representatives