Homeowner Insurance Complaints Drop to Record Low in Texas

February 3, 2015

Texas homeowners filed the fewest number of insurance complaints ever recorded with Texas regulators last year, the Insurance Council of Texas reported.

It was the fifth year in a row that Texas homeowner complaints have gone down.

There are more than 6 million homeowner insurance policies in effect in Texas and consumers may file a complaint with the Texas Department of Insurance following a disagreement over a claim.

An estimated 340,000 Texas homeowner claims were filed with insurance companies in 2014, the ICT said. The number of justified complaints received by the insurance department totaled only 304.

“Homeowners can file a complaint with the Texas Department of Insurance if they have any problem in dealing with their insurance agent, adjuster or company,” said Mark Hanna, a spokesman for the ICT. “With all of the state’s weather related claims and other types of property damage claims, 304 complaints, or less than one-tenth of one percent of the homeowners claims filed, shows that the vast majority of consumers are satisfied with how the insurance industry is handling their claims.”

By comparison, in 2013, there were 364 homeowner complaints. The 2014 total represents a 16 percent decrease, continuing a downward trend that began in 2010.

Source: The Insurance Council of Texas