Texas Insurance Professionals’ Food Bank Contribution Doubled by Donation Match

December 24, 2014

The Independent Insurance Agents of Austin and the Texas Surplus Lines Association Inc. once again joined efforts in December to collect food and money for the Capital Area Food Bank located in Austin, Texas.

This year, the groups’ monetary donation was doubled by a matching grant.

Food and money were collected at the IIAA Christmas luncheon held at the Austin Country Club on December 10. A total of $715 was collected in cash and 462 pounds of food from IIAA and TSLA members.

The Capital Area Food Bank secured a match for donations this holiday season, so the cash donation doubled to $1,430.

The money and food collected will provide 4,525 meals during this holiday season. The Capital Area Food Bank was very appreciative of the donation of both cash and food.

Both IIAA and TSLA would like to thank their members for their generosity in donating to this worthy cause. This is the twelfth year that IIAA and TSLA have worked together on this community service project.

Source: TSLA and IIAA