Texas to Hold Hearings on Workers’ Comp Rates and Relativities

November 25, 2014

The Texas Department of Insurance has scheduled public hearings to review rates charged by insurers for workers’ compensation insurance in this state, and to consider revised Texas workers’ compensation classification relativities.

The hearings will proceed consecutively, and will begin at 9 a.m., Central time, Dec. 12, 2014, in Room 100 of the William P. Hobby Jr. State Office Building, 333 Guadalupe Street in Austin, Texas.

Docket No. 2773, the 2014 Texas Workers’ Compensation Biennial Rate Hearing, is a mandatory public hearing under Insurance Code ยง2053.056(a) to review workers’ compensation rates.

Docket No. 2774 is a hearing for staff’s revised workers’ compensation classification relativities, proposed to replace those adopted under Commissioner’s Order No. 2312, dated February 25, 2013.

To comment on the matters to be considered, you may submit written testimony and exhibits at or prior to the public hearings, or you may present oral testimony at the hearings.

Instructions on submitting comments: http://www.tdi.texas.gov/alert/event/2014/12/dckt_2773_2774.html

Source: Texas Department of Insurance