Richardson, Texas, Steps Up Automobile Crime Prevention Efforts

April 25, 2014

The Richardson Police Department will soon be distributing automobile crime prevention signs throughout the city with the assistance of the Insurance Council of Texas and State Farm.

The signs read “Secure your belongings, Take your keys and Lock your car.”

This simple message has had a tremendous impact on reducing auto thefts and burglaries in cities across the state, according to the ICT.

One hundred crime prevention signs have been placed into the hands of Richardson police for them to distribute around the city as they see fit.

Richardson becomes one of more than two dozen cities that have received the signs from ICT. This year, ICT will be able to offer more signs to Texas cities through the help of a grant from State Farm Insurance.

Since 2005, ICT has been assisting crime prevention officers throughout the state with the distribution of these signs. ICT was initially approached by the Austin Police Department for a donation of the crime prevention signs. Since then, more than 2,000 signs have been placed into the hands of police departments.

Source: The Insurance Council of Texas