App Will Track Floodgate Closures in Louisiana

November 18, 2013

The Terrebonne Levee District in Louisiana has designed a phone application that allows boaters to check floodgate closures.

Terrebonne Administrative Manager Angela Rains tells The Courier the parish manages nine floodgates.

The app called Floodgate Mate is set to go live late in November for iPhones, Androids and other smartphones. Ship captains and boaters who don’t have smartphones can subscribe to text-updates from the service or call a toll-free line to find out about gate closures.

It will show a map of Terrebonne and use colored dots to represent floodgates, Rains says.

When the dot’s green, the floodgate is open. When it’s yellow, it’s about to open or close. When it’s red, it’s closed.

The app will also give National Weather Service updates.