August 10 Is Texas’ Top Day for Home Burglary Claims: Allstate

August 9, 2013

More Texans file home burglary insurance claims on August 10 than any other day – according to a recent review by Allstate Insurance Co.

Police say electronics, jewelry and cash are top targets during break-ins and obviously empty houses of vacationing families make easy marks. Police report criminals will often check homes for excessive mail, door hangers or newspapers lying around in the front yard. The suspects will usually knock on the victim’s front door. If no one answers, police say the perpetrators kick in the door, take items and leave within a few minutes.

Top Three Days for Texas Home Break-Ins
August 10
October 1
January 1

Allstate analyzed its Texas homeowner insurance claims over a three year period, from 2010 through 2012, and averaged the number of burglary claims filed each day. Allstate insurers approximately 545,000 Texas homes, which equates to 12 percent of all Texas households.

Source: Allstate Insurance Co.