Claims from Late May Oklahoma Tornadoes Top 60K

June 11, 2013

Insurance claims filed in Oklahoma following the tornado outbreak at the end of May have jumped to 60,308 with insurance payments reaching $470,323,299, the top state insurance regulator reported.

“These numbers are already staggering, and this is just the beginning,” said Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner John D. Doak. “Many of the victims haven’t received their entire settlement checks yet, so that payment number will continue to go up for a while. This is something the state of Oklahoma is going to be dealing with for a long time.”

Following is a breakdown of claims reported so far:

The Oklahoma Insurance Department said calls to its consumer assistance division have risen 59 percent since the May 20 tornado. The staff has also sent out approximately 40 Request for Assistance (RFA) forms per day since May 20.

The form is available online at Once the form is filed, OID representatives can investigate a complaint against an insurer.

Source: Oklahoma Insurance Department