Agents Group Puts Out Call to Help West, Texas

April 25, 2013

The Independent Insurance Agents of Texas is calling for contributions to a fund created to help in the rebuilding of West, Texas, the site of the deadly explosion at a fertilizer facility on April 17.

Tommy Muska, mayor of West and an independent agent, is a member of IIAT.

Fourteen people, including 12 first responders – most working for volunteer fire services – were killed in the blast. Nearly 150 homes were destroyed and many more residential and commercial buildings were damaged, including the home of Mayor Muska. The emotional and physical damage to this town of 2,800 cannot be described.

The Insurance Council of Texas has said the cost of insured losses would likely reach $100 million.

While there is likely to be government help to restore the town, as well as non-government response such as the Red Cross, inevitably in these situations there are costs that fall outside the eligibility for official assistance.

IIAT is creating a fund for Mayor Muska to use at his discretion to support the rebuilding of the city and its fire services. IIAT will seed the fund with $5,000.

Tax deductible contributions may be made to this fund in care of the IIAT/Trusted Choice Foundation.

Tommy Muska has worked tirelessly on behalf of his town and his customers to help them in their time of need. We want to show Tommy that he is not alone in this endeavor.

You can contribute online at or checks payable to IIAT/Trusted Choice Foundation may be sent to:

IIAT/Trusted Choice Foundation

P.O. Box 684487

Austin, TX 78768