Oklahoma to Host National Tornado Summit

February 4, 2013

Oklahoma will host its second annual national tornado summit in Oklahoma City March 10-12, the Oklahoma Insurance Department announced. Emergency managers, policymakers, insurance industry professionals, teachers, weather experts and weather enthusiasts are expected to attend.

“Since severe weather impacts everyone, this summit is for everyone,” said Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner John D. Doak. “While the experts can learn valuable lessons about preparedness and response, those merely fascinated by severe weather can get an inside look at storm prediction and response and how it affects them. They’ll also learn how to protect their families”

For the first time, the National Tornado Summit will also include the National Severe Weather Workshop (NSWW). The breakout sessions, organized by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), will focus on crisis communication, emergency response analysis, significant weather events of 2012, tornado ratings and how social media impacts the effectiveness of severe weather watches and warnings.

The summit also includes a tour of the National Weather Center and the NOAA Storm Prediction Center (SPC), which issues all tornado watches for the contiguous United States.

Also new in 2013 is the addition of the Weather Fair. The free, family-friendly event is scheduled for March 10 and is open to the public. Attendees can step inside the tornado simulator, speak to a television meteorologist or hop in the front seat as professional storm chasers relive the close calls they’ve encountered on the job.

The Weather Fair will also feature canine search and rescue teams, disaster response vehicles, cutting-edge weather products, weather experiments, mascots and more.

The National Tornado Summit is sponsored by the Oklahoma Insurance Department, Oklahoma Emergency Management, National Weather Center, NOAA, SPC and National Association of Insurance Commissioners. It serves as a national forum for national and state experts to exchange ideas and recommend new policies to improve emergency management. The goal is to improve disaster mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery in order to save lives and property.

The summit also includes a three-day tradeshow featuring valuable weather resources, services, and products.

Source: Oklahoma Insurance Department