Insurance Council’s 7th Annual Hurricane Tour Stresses Preparation

August 6, 2012

Be prepared. That’s the message insurance agents, National Weather Service meteorologists and a bilingual public affairs spokesperson will bring to Texas coastal residents when they join the Insurance Council of Texas in its 7th Annual Hurricane Tour of the Texas coastline in late August.

The tour will feature multiple messages to coastal residents with the theme built around being prepared.

“We will bring with us video from the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety (IBHS) showing what 130 mile per hour winds can do to a commercial structure as well as emphasize the need for residents to conduct home inventories,” said Mark Hanna, a spokesman for the Insurance Council of Texas. “Our initial message is heed evacuation warnings and be prepared for the worst possible conditions. Beyond that, we will urge homeowners to take a close look at their insurance coverage to make sure they have adequate coverage to rebuild and recover from a storm.”

The Hurricane Tour starts in Beaumont, Orange and Port Arthur and heads down the Texas coast ending in Brownsville and McAllen. The team of agents, weathermen and spokespeople will make approximately three dozen media stops and leave behind be prepared messages on both radio and in newspapers.

Each year the tour’s message reaches approximately 2.5 million coastal residents. The five-day tour begins Aug. 27.

Source: The Insurance Council of Texas