Ex-School Nurse in Texas Gets 10 Years for Fire

July 23, 2012

An ex-school nurse in Central Texas upset about a poor evaluation has been sentenced to 10 years in prison for setting a campus building on fire.

Mary Lucille Gutierrez pleaded guilty to criminal mischief of more than $200,000 over last summer’s fire at Speegleville Elementary School in Woodway. A jury in Waco sentenced Gutierrez to prison and also fined her $10,000.

Nobody was hurt in the Aug. 9 pre-dawn blaze that caused about $2 million in damage. Video surveillance showed the 56-year-old Gutierrez going in and out of the school.

Investigators say Gutierrez hoped the fire would lead to a transfer for her or the administrator behind her poor review.

The newly repaired school is scheduled to reopen next month.