Oklahoma Commissioner: More Legal Challenges to Health Reform Law Possible

July 3, 2012

While he is disappointed with the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold federal health reform legislation, Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner John D. Doak said he will do his duty under the law. However, he said potential legal challenges remain, namely on the issues of religious freedom and navigators.

Doak remains opposed to the use of unlicensed navigators, an element of the law that threatens consumer protections.

“I am committed to insurance products and services being offered by licensed agents and brokers, not unlicensed navigators. Licensed agents and brokers are the front-line advocates for consumer protection in the state of Oklahoma,” Doak said in a departmental press release.

“A one-size-fits-all big government policy creates more problems than it solves,” said Doak. He added that health costs can be reduced “without compromising freedom and access to care with conservative polices like association health plans and being able to purchase insurance policies across state lines.”

Source: Oklahoma Department of Insurance