Texas Mutual to Distribute $150M Policyholder Dividend

May 24, 2012

Texas Mutual Insurance Co.’s board of directors has approved the company’s plan to distribute $150 million in workers’ compensation dividends.

This marks the 14th consecutive year the board has approved a dividend distribution to qualifying policyholder owners. By the end of 2012, Texas Mutual will have paid $1.2 billion in dividends since 1999. The majority of that total — more than $1 billion — will have been paid since 2005.

Dividends reward loyal policyholder owners who share Texas Mutual’s commitment to preventing workplace accidents and helping injured workers get back on the job.

Texas Mutual plans to begin distributing dividends in late July. Dividends are based largely on policyholders’ premium sizes, workplace safety records and histories with the company.

Texas Mutual President Ron Wright noted that Texas Mutual cannot guarantee future dividends, and the 2012 dividend plan requires Texas Department of Insurance approval.