New System Allows for Faster Transfer of Vehicle Crash Records in Texas

October 19, 2011

Crash records are now easier to transfer with the recent launch of a new, secure web-based application that allows law enforcement agencies to send reports to the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) electronically, the state transportation agency announced.

TxDOT implemented the Crash Reporting and Analysis for Safer Highways (CRASH) Internet application to speed up the transfer of motor vehicle crash data from law enforcement agencies to the Crash Records Information System (CRIS), an automated database used to compile and track crash data statewide.

Until recently, law enforcement personnel were required to manually complete the Texas Peace Officer’s Crash Report form (CR-3) and mail it to TxDOT.

The new system means that crash information can be submitted faster and more efficiently from the office or a patrol car.

Submitting information electronically lowers processing costs and saves taxpayer dollars, said Carol Rawson, TxDOT Traffic Operations Division director.

The department is responsible for maintaining CRIS and collecting, analyzing and distributing the data. The 80th Texas Legislature transferred data collection responsibilities from the Texas Department of Public Safety to TxDOT in 2007. The agency has continued to build and develop CRIS, making it the first comprehensive electronic crash data system in Texas.

Crash data is used to evaluate the effectiveness of construction, maintenance, and traffic safety programs designed to reduce the number and severity of vehicle crashes on Texas roadways. The data is also critical for state and local transportation project planning, highway and railroad crossing safety evaluation, identification of target areas for enhanced traffic law enforcement, and traffic safety studies.

Source: Texas Department of Transporation