Three Work Comp Safety Groups Earn Combined $848K in Texas Mutual Dividends

October 11, 2011

Texas Mutual Insurance Co. announced that three workers’ compensation safety groups have earned a combined $847,714 in dividends. The dividends were based largely on each group’s overall loss ratio.

The largest dividend, $398,186, went to the Lone Star Auto Dealers (LSA) safety group. LSA members have shared in more than $5 million in group dividends since 2002.

The Lone Star Energy (LSE) safety group earned a $240,272 dividend, and the Hospitals of Texas (HOTComp) earned a $209,256 dividend.

Group dividends are separate from the $155 million in individual policyholder dividends Texas Mutual is distributing in 2011. Many group members have qualified for individual and group dividends.

In addition to potential dividends, LSA, LSE and HOTComp members have access to industry-specific workplace safety resources at They also get a discount on their workers’ compensation premiums.

Texas Mutual underwrites 30 safety groups representing a range of industries, including oil and gas, manufacturing, construction and health care. Any licensed Texas agent can submit qualifying clients for consideration in a group.

Texas Mutual notes that past dividends are not a guarantee of future dividends. The Texas Department of Insurance must approve all dividends.