Insurance Council of Texas Scholarships Have Honored 201 Students

April 15, 2011

More than 200 students in Texas have benefited from scholarships provided by the insurance industry since 2002, the Insurance Council of Texas (ICT) Education Foundation announced. The group has awarded academic scholarships to 201 students since the program began in 2002 and its total funding for universities has exceeded $400,000.

The most recent scholarship recipients were students at the University of Houston – Downtown, SMU, the University of Texas at San Antonio and the University of Texas Pan American in Edinburg.

Insurance and risk management professors recommend each scholarship recipient. Students are chosen for their classroom performance and participation, activity outside the classroom and interest in pursuing a career in the property and casualty insurance industry. The ICT Education Foundation’s funding comes from ICT Symposium sponsorships, corporate gifts and individuals donations.

Haley King was this year’s SMU scholarship recipient. King is a full-time student, a member of SMU’s rowing team and holds down two outside jobs. King was described by her professor, Bob Puelz, as a fantastic representative for the award.

Amanda Franks Underwood, Adrian Hopkins and Rodney Singleton were awarded scholarships at the University of Houston – Downtown. UH-D professor Wendall Braniff said the students were among the top scholars in her insurance and risk management program.

The University of Texas San Antonio scholarship recipients were Daniel Lambert, Ryan Reed, Daniel Stratton, Di Wu and Austin Crocker. UTSA insurance and risk management professor Ron Sweet said each student was exceptional in their respective fields.

The University of Texas at Pan American scholarship recipients were Cassandra Garcia, Heather Martinez, Luis Centeno, Pablo Escobedo and Jessica Gonzalez. UT Pan Am professor Steven Lovell described his scholarship recipients as a combination of leaders and achievers.

ICT’s Education Foundation was created to administer both academic and achievement awards to 10 Texas universities that offer studies in insurance and risk management. The participating universities are Baylor, North Texas, UT Austin, UT San Antonio, UT Pan American, Huston-Tillotson, St. Mary’s, SMU, the University of Houston – Downtown and Texas Southern.

Source: Insurance Council of Texas