Texas Agents Join Forces to Launch Health Insurance Coalition

October 15, 2010

Three insurance producer groups have joined forces to form the Texas Coalition of Health Insurance Agents to monitor, respond to and communicate on the implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act (PPACA) in Texas.

Coalition members include the Texas Association of Health Underwriters (TAHU), the Independent Insurance Agents of Texas (IIAT) and the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors-Texas (NAIFA-Texas).

The coalition will work to maintain freedom for consumers and agents so they can continue to work together to locate and acquire all forms of health insurance. Coalition representatives will participate in Texas Department of Insurance hearings and legislative proposals for implementing the PPACA.

TAHU’s Lee Manross commented on the need for the new coalition. “Both regulatory and legislative changes as a result of the PPACA will be coming at us quickly. We need to be able to respond on behalf of all health agents to ensure the agents’ role in the system is preserved.”

Lee Loftis, IIAT’s director of governmental affairs, added that communication to agents is also vital. “We need to speak to our members with one voice so all agents are getting the same message,” he said.

“Many groups and people will be vying for attention in the debate over the implementation of this law. We want to be sure our members have a voice and this consolidated effort will make sure they are heard,” said Des Taylor, CEO of NAIFA Texas.

Source: Texas Coalition of Health Insurance Agents